Over the last years, Europe has increased its vaccination efforts, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of robust immunisation systems. Despite these endeavours, challenges remain on securing vaccination coverage rates, as demonstrated by the COVID-19 pandemic and emergence of other disease outbreaks throughout Europe.
These challenges reiterate the need to reinforce European action on immunisation policies and programmes. The Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe was launched to contribute to this mission by developing concrete targets and recommendations for strengthening Europe’s immunisation systems.
Our approach
Creating meaningful change
Adopting an innovative ‘mission approach’, the collaboration aims to identify ambitious yet attainable targets for strengthening immunisation policies and programmes in Europe, including recommendations for action at the European and national levels.
The Mission Temple
The work of the mission board on vaccination in Europe is informed by a co-created ‘mission temple’, reflecting the complex environment of decision-making on vaccination. The four pillars of the temple reflect key challenges and opportunities for strengthening Europe’s immunisation systems.
The pinnacle of the temple captures the overarching principle of ‘equity’, which at the most basic level means fairness – from a health as well as economic and social perspective.Equity is also at the heart of the UN Sustainable Development Agenda, including the objective of universal health coverage (UHC).
Data and evidence for decision-making
Critical gaps in data and evidence need to be addressed to optimise decision-making on vaccination policies and programmes.
Beliefs, perceptions, vaccine confidence
Tailored responses and policy actions on continuous monitoring and strengthening community engagement as well as training of healthcare professionals are needed to strengthen EU vaccine confidence.
Citizens’ access to vaccines
Access to vaccines is examined through three dimensions: vaccine availability, vaccination services accessibility, and vaccination equity.
Convergence and alignment
While organisation and delivery of health services rest at national level, greater European level alignment on a core calendar for adult vaccination and closing gaps in vaccination decision making could benefit public health and increase vaccine confidence.
Research and understanding underpins all Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe activities.
Our MEP Champions
Our Members
Prof. Walter RicciardiCatholic University of the Sacred Heart, RomeItaly
Prof. Gediminas ČerniauskasEuropean Institute for Health and Sustainable DevelopmentLithuania
Michele CalabròEuropean Regional and Local Health AuthoritiesEurope
Prof. Marcin CzechInstitute of Mother & ChildPoland
Prof. Chiara de WaureEuropean Public Health AssociationEurope
Prof. George GriffinFederation of European Academies of MedicineEurope
Greet HendrickxUniversity of AntwerpBelgium
Dr. Daphné HoltCoalition for Life Course ImmunisationEurope
Dr. Eva HöltlAustrian Society of VaccinologyAustria
Prof. Milos JeseňákDepartment of Pediatrics, Comenius University, BratislavaSlovakia
Dr. Emilie KarafillakisThe Vaccine Confidence ProjectEurope
Prof. Heidi LarsonThe Vaccine Confidence ProjectEurope
Portuguese National Association of Public Health DoctorsPortugal
Dr. Zsófia MésznerNational Institute of Paediatrics Heim Pal, BudapestHungary
Dr. José Antonio Navarro AlonsoIndependent expertSpain
Prof. Peter PiotLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM)Europe
Prof. Maarten PostmaUniversity Medical Centre GroningenThe Netherlands
Sibilia QuiliciVaccines EuropeEurope
Silvia RomeoEuropean Cancer OrganisationEurope
Dr. Linda SanftenbergNational Alliance and Board of ImmunisationGermany
Prof. Heidrun ThaissNational Alliance and Board of ImmunisationGermany
Anca TomaEuropean Patients’ ForumEurope
Prof. Pierre Van DammeUniversity of AntwerpBelgium
Anna ViceréVaccines EuropeEurope
Dr. Hristiana BatselovaSt. George HospitalBulgaria
Ber OomenEuropean Specialist Nurses OrganisationEurope
Prof. Odile LaunayUniversity of ParisFrance
Mariano VottaActive Citizenship Network-CittadinanzattivaEurope
Prof. Giovanna Elisa CalabròUniversity of Cassino and Southern LazioItaly
Alison MaassenEuroHealthNetEurope
Source of Support
The work of the Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe is enabled by funding from Vaccines Europe. The funding is limited to Secretariat costs, the hosting of meetings and events, and expenses and travel costs incurred by Members for attendance at MBVE meetings and events.