The Consensus Report

The Consensus Report represents a collaborative effort shaped by the collective expertise of the members of the Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe. Divided into four chapters, the report offers actionable recommendations at both European and national levels aimed at addressing challenges and opportunities in strengthening Europe’s immunisation systems.

Our recommendations

The recommendations are set out accross four thematic chapters based on the four pillars of our mission temple. Each chapter contains recommendations for action both at European and national level aimed at strengthening vaccination policies and programmes, with a particular focus on decision-making. The recommendations were developed in a collective effort through a series of roundtable meetings and multi-stakeholder working groups with the members of the Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe.

1. Data and evidence for decision-making

  • Recommendation 1.1

    Enhance data collection and evidence generation to support the strengthening of vaccination policies, strategies, and the broader healthcare system.

  • Recommendation 1.2

    Ensure an aligned approach to decision-making on vaccination through a common European value framework.

2. Beliefs, perceptions and vaccine confidence

  • Recommendation 2.1

    Develop an EU vaccine confidence rapid alert and response system to enable timely risk analysis and policy action.

  • Recommendation 2.2

    Strengthen community engagement on vaccination through national strategies, research, and exchanges of best practice.

  • Recommendation 2.3

    Reinforce training on vaccination and communication skills for pre- and in-service healthcare professionals.

3. Citizens’ access to vaccines

  • Recommendation 3.1

    Enhance the timeliness of evidence-based decision-making on vaccination to address inequities in vaccine availability.

  • Recommendation 3.2

    Enhance the accessibility of vaccination services, in particular within schools, workplaces and community pharmacies, to support a life-course approach to immunisation.

  • Recommendation 3.3

    Improve vaccination equity and uptake through national strategies that target disadvantaged groups, employ cross-sectoral collaboration, and leverage insights from best practice sharing.

4. Convergence and alignment

  • Recommendation 4.1

    Develop a more aligned approach to life course immunisation through a core calendar for adult vaccination.

  • Recommendation 4.2

    Address key gaps in decision-making pathways on vaccination to enhance their consistency, inclusivity, transparency, and accountability.

5. Cross-cutting recommendation

  • Recommendation 5.1

    Develop and implement frameworks to monitor, assess, and publicly report on the performance of immunisation systems.

  • Recommendation 5.2

    Strengthen, and ensure sustainable approaches to, the financing of immunisation systems as an investment in inter alia public health, health system sustainability, healthy ageing and productivity. 


Vaccination stands as one of the greatest achievements in public health, preventing deaths and significantly reducing illness and related complications.

However, the decline in vaccine confidence has led to insufficient vaccination coverage and to outbreaks of preventable diseases.

Therefore, the Mission Board on Vaccination in Europe has outlined actionable recommendations at both European and national levels aimed at addressing challenges and opportunities in strengthening Europe’s immunisation systems.

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